Già dai tempi dei Traci, il commercio principale della regione era costituito da viti e vini, le cui ricette sono passate da padre in figlio, di generazione in generazione... A questo mi sono ispirato. Edoardo Miroglio
Edoardo Miroglio Wine Cellar
Edoardo Miroglio Wine Cellar
Edoardo Miroglio Wine Cellar
Edoardo Miroglio Wine Cellar
Edoardo Miroglio Wine Cellar
Edoardo Miroglio Wine Cellar


Edoardo Miroglio winery congratules you on the 3rd March

The day of the liberation of Bulgaria

The Bulgarian winery in the village of Elenovo congratules all for the Official National Holiday - 3rd March. It marks 136 years since the liberation of Bulgaria from the Ottoman rule.

On March 3, 1878 in San Stefano was signed the peace treaty between Russia and the the Ottoman Empire, which ended the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878. The date March 3 marks the beginning of the Third Bulgarian State.

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